Executive Coach: Are you leading with blindfolds on?

As an executive coach, one of our primary roles is to guide business leaders towards optimal performance and productivity. However, this often involves more than just providing advice on business strategies or management techniques.

In the following sections, we will explore how slowing down can enhance self-awareness and why preparation is a key step towards success. We'll delve into real-life examples that illustrate the effectiveness of these approaches.

We will also discuss the dangers of leading with a blindfold and provide practical steps for removing it. Harnessing past learning opportunities through reflection is another essential aspect we will cover.

Understanding your purpose as a leader and discovering your personal mission are critical components in effective leadership - topics we shall dissect further. Lastly, as an executive coach, I cannot stress enough on the power of journaling for self-awareness; therefore we'll touch upon its benefits in leadership development along with some practical tips to start and maintain a leadership journal.

The Importance of Slowing Down

In the hectic realm of leading, it is critical to take a break and reduce speed. The haste of action may guide us astray, resulting in disregarded details or decisions hastily taken and later regretted. By slowing down, leaders become more self-aware and prepared for what comes next.

How slowing down enhances self-awareness

When you're constantly rushing from one task to another, it's easy to lose sight of your own thoughts and feelings. But when you slow down and take time to reflect on your actions and decisions, you gain valuable insights into yourself as a leader. By examining your own behavior, you can recognize any areas that require improvement and gain an understanding of how others view you.

Preparation as a key step towards success

Taking the time to properly prepare not only equips leaders with the necessary tools for success but also provides an opportunity for introspection. For instance, my experience selling private jets for Warren Buffett taught me that thorough preparation was integral in effectively handling high-stakes negotiations.

Real-life examples of effective slowdown

  • Brian Chesky:The co-founder & CEO of Airbnb spent years refining his companya’s core values before they were finally ready - an example that shows how taking things slowly can result in significant long-term benefits.

  • Susan Wojcicki:The YouTube CEO takes regular thinking breaks throughout her day - short periods where she does nothing but think about her goals & strategies.

  • Oprah Winfrey:A firm believer in meditation; Oprah spends 20 minutes twice daily practicing mindfulness - this helps her stay grounded amidst all the noise & chaos.

Leading Without a Blindfold

In the world of leadership, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day operations and lose sight of your own areas for improvement. Navigating a maze without vision can be difficult, often leading to missteps. This is why self-awareness is such an essential quality for effective leaders.

The dangers of leading with a blindfold

A leader who lacks self-awareness may make decisions based on personal biases or assumptions rather than objective facts. They might also overlook opportunities for growth because they're not aware of their weaknesses. In contrast, leaders who are tuned into their strengths and weaknesses can leverage this knowledge to make better decisions and drive their teams towards success.

Steps to remove your leadership blindfold

  1. Ask for feedback: Regularly ask team members, peers, mentors, etc., about how you're doing as a leader.

  2. Meditate: Meditation helps increase self-awareness by encouraging mindfulness - being present in the moment without judgment.

  3. Cultivate emotional intelligence: Understanding your emotions and those of others can provide valuable insights into your leadership style.

To truly lead without a blindfold requires ongoing effort. With self-awareness comes improved decision-making, empathy for team members, flexibility in changing situations and enhanced leadership capabilities - all of which are essential to effective leadership. Research reveals that only a small fraction (10%) of individuals possess inherent leadership qualities; the rest have attained these capabilities through experience. So take off that metaphorical blindfold today.

Harnessing Past Learning Opportunities

Reflecting on past experiences is like mining for gold in the river of leadership. Every interaction, decision, and outcome is a nugget of wisdom waiting to be discovered.

Why reflection matters in leadership

Reflection is the secret sauce that helps leaders understand their strengths and weaknesses. It's like looking in the mirror and saying, "I see you, flaws and all." Plus, it boosts emotional intelligence, which is like having a superpower in managing teams.

In my coaching experience, I found that reflection junkies make better decisions. They spot patterns in their behavior and thinking, like Sherlock Holmes on a case.

Strategies for harnessing past learning opportunities

To squeeze every drop of wisdom from the past:

  • Analyze your decisions: Take a trip down memory lane and examine your major choices. What influenced you? How did it turn out? Could you have done a little dance instead?

  • Evaluate feedback: Embrace the sting of constructive criticism. Reflect on the feedback you've received from your team or peers. It's like a mirror that shows you the blind spots in your leadership style.

Writing down your reflections is like capturing fireflies in a jar. Whether you prefer journaling or digital tools like Evernote or Trello, these platforms give your thoughts a cozy home.

Remember: Reflection without action is like a car without wheels. Use your insights to fuel personal growth and become a leader that shines brighter than a supernova.

Knowing Your Purpose

As a leader, having an understanding of one's purpose is not just recommended; it is essential. As a leader, you gotta know what drives you and what values guide your decisions. It's not just about goals and plans - it's about knowing who you are and letting that shape your leadership.

The Role Of Purpose In Effective Leadership

Research indicates that those with a strong sense of purpose often demonstrate greater effectiveness as leaders. They make better decisions that align with their objectives and inspire trust in their team.

Tips For Discovering Your Personal Mission

  • Reflect on past experiences: Think about times when you felt fulfilled or successful. What were the common threads? They could give you clues about what motivates you.

  • Solicit feedback: Ask trusted colleagues or mentors for input on your strengths and areas for growth.

  • Create space for introspection: Take time away from distractions to ponder and identify patterns.

  • Jot down thoughts: Keep a journal to capture your reflections effectively.

Discovering your purpose takes patience and dedication, but once you find it, it becomes your compass for decision-making, team management, and personal development.

The Power of Journaling for Self-Awareness

Journaling is like a mirror for leaders, reflecting their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It's like having a personal therapist, helping them make better decisions and lead like a boss.

Benefits of Journal Keeping in Leadership Development

Journaling transforms leaders in amazing ways. It's like a mind gym, building emotional intelligence and making them super effective. Plus, it's a secret weapon for problem-solving, helping leaders find genius solutions.

And wait, there's more. Journaling lets leaders track their growth over time. It's like a time machine, showing how far they've come and where they need to level up.

Practical Tips to Start and Maintain a Leadership Journal

  • Create a routine: Make journaling a daily habit. It's like brushing your teeth, but for your mind. Regularity is the secret to accomplishment.

  • Pick the right medium: Whether it's pen and paper or digital platforms like Evernote or Day One App, find what works best for you. It's like finding the perfect outfit for your thoughts.

  • Ditch perfectionism: Your journal doesn't judge. It's a safe space for messy thoughts and imperfect prose. So, let go of perfection and embrace the raw and real you.

With these tips, journaling will become your superpower, helping you level up your leadership game. So, grab that pen or open that app and start journaling like a boss.


As an executive coach, it's crucial to stress the importance of slowing down to enhance self-awareness and prepare for success - because you can't lead effectively if you're stumbling around blindfolded.

By removing barriers and embracing past learning opportunities, executives can uncover their personal mission and lead with clarity - like a superhero with x-ray vision.

And let's not forget the power of journaling - it's like having a personal therapist on paper, helping you navigate the twists and turns of leadership development.

So, whether you're a business leader, executive, startup founder, or venture capitalist, these strategies can guide you towards greater success - like a GPS for your career.

I am a massive believer in the power of journaling. I've kept a journal for decades, and I remember the times when million-dollar ideas came to me that transformed the trajectory of my life. It's been a tool I've used to unlock my own genius, and I want to help you do the same. I've created 30 days of journal prompts for you to kickstart your journaling habit. Sign up here!


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